There are other solutions, up to and including pressing a set of keys but if the SYNC unit is not powered up - like a blown fuse - it won't boot - the APIM console tries to switch over but it cannot. No communication.
Check your owners manual for there are several places that fuses are in that power SYNC or other devices SYNC uses - so if those fuses are bad, they may prevent SYNC from working to collect messages and process alerts and even control the VEHICLE SETTINGS in the APIM center console menu.
There have been upgrades to the SYNC unit especially since 2012-2013 model year, it's quite possible that the Fuse may have blown to a powered socket that SYNC shares to get power from.
So check the fuses and...
- since there have been so many changes to the vehicles electronics, it changes the Fuse numbering
- - it's become vehicle specific and your owners manual is the specific map to the answer on the condition and location of those fuses by number (F12 or F7 - used to be for TCS but it may mean something else in that trim line)
So it may need to have someone look at the Sync unit itself - see if it's physically damaged or the wiring to it has dislodged from the unit itself.
That SYNC unit is located under the Glovebox (USA) so that means you'll have to unfold and un-do the felt protector that covers the unit and keeps people from kicking it - possibly dislodging the wires to the unit. If your flexible and ambidextrous - you can release the felt and remove it to obtain access the SYNC unit. IT uses TORX screws to hold it to the cross-brace that is part of the front console panel. The connectors - like the USB are pinch in types (you pinch the tab to insert and remove it) or the power connector is a lift-tab and fold-tab over to pull the connector up and away - the fold over motions then lifts the arm to keep the pins on that connector straight and removes the arm so you can lift the connector straight away from it's socket and remove, by unscrewing the TORX screws, that SYNC for inspection.
Best results are done with the Sync bolted onto the cross-member - for removing the connector with all those pins can be done without damaging or bending pins. This is why it's important to inspect the unit for if the wiring to the connector is ok, is the SYNC housing damaged? You'd see this when you pull it out, but undo those wires first, keep the connectors off of it when you do remove it, in case the SYNC unit comes out in pieces (especially after an accident - the passenger may have slid into the cross-member - bending it and the SYNC unit on impact).